Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Thought on Thursday:Gratitude

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." 
William Arthur Ward

Have you ever been guilty of this? I have. This is actually one of the reasons that I decided to begin writing a blog, and choosing to live a more deliberate life. Life gets so busy sometimes, but truly shouldn't be so busy that there is not enough time to express our love and gratitude to others. 

During this upcoming week I challenge you to find some way to express more gratitude to at least one person. Perhaps through a letter, a kind deed, or by simply speaking the words to them. Imagine the impact it would have if every individual were to do this for just one person, now imagine everyone we came into contact with! Go ahead, spread some joy and gratitude for others! I'll be doing the same! :)

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Thought on Thursday: Be Kind

There is a phrase that someone once said to me that I have never forgotten, and think of often. This particular day just happened to be the anniversary of my daughters passing. This woman did not know this initially, but we were talking about some crazy events that had happened in the life of some of her friends and family. My emotions were on the surface that day, a bit more than usual, and I got a bit teary eyed. Our conversation went on, and it came out about my daughter. We continued talking, and during the conversation she said to me, "we all walk a little wounded."

That day, that phrase just enveloped me and brought so much clarity and compassion. Perhaps it has to do with the experiences of my daily life; having had one child with disabilities be such a sweet part of our life and then pass so suddenly. I'm missing her sweet laughter and smile so much. Other children have blessed our home, but our youngest also has the same disorder as our sweet baby girl ( This alone makes life different than it is for most....but that's another long story full of both sorrow and joy.

But isn't that phrase so true? We all walk a little wounded. All of us have at least a little heart ache, a little hurt in our life. Something that we carry with us; sometimes on the surface, sometimes buried deep inside. I try to remember this when I hear harsh words spoken, or see someone quick to anger. These are definitely not qualities we like to see, especially in ourselves, but what does more for someone, my criticism, or my compassion? My goal is to lean first and always to compassion, because truly, every wounded heart needs a bit more kindness.

Just a thought,

Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Thought on Thursday: Write it Down!

There is a lot that goes on in our lives that is worth remembering. A lot that is worth going back to. A lot that if others could know, would likely help them out. Today my thoughts are on writing in a journal. I've kept a journal since I was about eight years old, when I took over the journal that my mom had been writing about me/for me since before I was born (bless her heart). I now have volumes of journals, and I too, try to keep journals for my children, full of memorable moments and special messages I want them to know and to remember.

Now, there have been times in my life when I've written daily, and times when I've written far less than that. Either way, there is just something about living life and recording it. Recording both the good times and the hard times. Writing, for me, is also very therapeutic. I do well to write out how I'm feeling, to honestly reflect upon what is happening and actively make choices about how to proceed in life. Writing during happy times gives me time to pause, record, and reflect on my many blessings. I do have many!

There are so many ways to journal! (Google it if you need more inspiration!) I've utilized your typical hardbound 8 1/2x11ish, lined journal for years because that is what I was once given as a gift. The journal I took over from my mom was a spiral notebook of sorts. I've done some art journaling and enjoy the process of this. When I was younger, I wrote as if I were talking to someone in a letter. These days I enjoy a combination of scrapbooking ( Project Life Style) and writing in a hardback art sketch book with no lines. No lines I find is so much better for me.

Don't know what to write? Google journaling prompts and you'll never run out of ideas! It really doesn't need to be a long, drawn out process either. It's your journal, you can include (or not include) whatever you choose. Write in whatever style you want, draw pictures, brainstorm, make lists, etc. The most important thing is that you are recording a piece of yourself and enjoying the process.

Appreciate Life and Write it Down!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Thought on Thursday: Action

Last week I wrote a quick thought on the importance of planning. This week's thought ties right into that; Action. After the plan has been made, the next crucial step is to do what you planned to do, when you planned to do it! If you say you're going to exercise three times a week and you set aside time to do it, then, by all means, when that time comes, be exercising. If you plan to be in bed at nine reading and relaxing, then by all means, make it happen.
There is power and contentment in taking action to fulfill our plans, because once again, our plans revolve around our mission statement and who we really want to be and to become.
Now, sure, there are times when things will come up, when plans will need to be changed, but be honest with yourself; are you making excuses not to act, or did something truly happen that made you make the deliberate choice to change your plans? Only you can honestly answer this for yourself.
So, my friend, this week lets both make deliberate plans with the intent to put them into action!
Best Wishes Towards Success,