Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Thought on Thursday: Be Kind

There is a phrase that someone once said to me that I have never forgotten, and think of often. This particular day just happened to be the anniversary of my daughters passing. This woman did not know this initially, but we were talking about some crazy events that had happened in the life of some of her friends and family. My emotions were on the surface that day, a bit more than usual, and I got a bit teary eyed. Our conversation went on, and it came out about my daughter. We continued talking, and during the conversation she said to me, "we all walk a little wounded."

That day, that phrase just enveloped me and brought so much clarity and compassion. Perhaps it has to do with the experiences of my daily life; having had one child with disabilities be such a sweet part of our life and then pass so suddenly. I'm missing her sweet laughter and smile so much. Other children have blessed our home, but our youngest also has the same disorder as our sweet baby girl ( This alone makes life different than it is for most....but that's another long story full of both sorrow and joy.

But isn't that phrase so true? We all walk a little wounded. All of us have at least a little heart ache, a little hurt in our life. Something that we carry with us; sometimes on the surface, sometimes buried deep inside. I try to remember this when I hear harsh words spoken, or see someone quick to anger. These are definitely not qualities we like to see, especially in ourselves, but what does more for someone, my criticism, or my compassion? My goal is to lean first and always to compassion, because truly, every wounded heart needs a bit more kindness.

Just a thought,

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